Pilt on loole illustreeriv.Foto: PantherMedia / Scanpix
2. oktoober 2017, 10:21

MÕNI TUND PÄRAST ELU ALGUST: naine jagas avameelset fotot sünnitusjärgsest endast (5)

Austraalia naine tahtis inspireerida ja julgustada inimesi silmiavavalt ausa fotoga enda kehast. Kehast, kust mõne tunni eest oli sündinud ilma tema kolmas laps.

Kolme lapse ema Elise Raqueli soov oli, et soovijad näeksid, milline on naise keha pärast sünnitamist, vahendab The Sun.

Foto kogus naise Instagrami kontol meeletult jälgijaid ja jõudis seeläbi ka meediasse.

Elisa tahtis inimestele teadvustada, kui palju muutub naise keha raseduse ja sünnitusega.

Elisa kirjutab, et foto on tehtud hetkel, mil just oli ta kogenud meeletut valu ja emotsioonitulva. Ja samas tundis ta end nii uhke ja võimsana, sest tema keha oli nende perre aidanud imeilusa tütrekese.

Naise sõnul on ju seegi juba kummaline, et kõht on veel suur, kuigi beebi on juba käes. Ta tunnistab, et isegi pärast kolmandat sünnitust pole vaimselt kuigi lihtne minna koju ja kanda endiselt rasedariideid.


Let's talk postpartum bodies! I asked @belleverdiglionephotography to take this photo, just hours after giving birth to Willa, in my rawest and most vulnerable state. I was in pain and I was overcome by a flood of emotions. Elated to have welcomed our beautiful girl and so empowered and proud of what my body and I had just done! It's a strange feeling to look down and still see a bump, even though you're holding your baby in your arms, even after doing it three times. It's not easy to go home with a baby and still have to wear maternity clothes. With my first I was adamant I would just "bounce back". Everyone would say "you're young, you'll loose the baby weight in no time!" But you know what, I didn't, I never have in fact. With each baby I've gained a few more kilos and a few more stretch marks. I used to feel the need to cover up in this newborn stage, I didn't want to see my body in this state, so why would anyone else? It's taken me three babies, but I've finally realised this postpartum body isn't something to hide! I am beyond proud for what this body has given and sacralised. I am thankful that my body is able to carry and birth babies naturally. I am NOT ashamed of my (many) new stripes and my postpartum body. And neither should you! Let's celebrate postpartum bodies, in all their glory. The female body is incredible and I am so proud of what mine has done!

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