Foto: @ekshriver/Instagram
8. november 2020, 14:00

Kennedy klanni võsuke abiellus oma vanaema Diori pruutkleidis

John F. Kennedy ja Bobby Kennedy õe, eriolümpiamängude rajaja Eunice Kennedy (1921 - 2009) lapselaps ja nimekaim pidas hiljuti pulmi, kandes oma kuulsa vanaema pruutkleiti.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver laulatati autoärimehe Michael "Mikey" Serafin Garciaga. 17. oktoobril Miamis St Patricku kirikus - katoliku pühakojas, kus ta on kogu elu koos perega pühapäeviti käinud. 

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Eunice Kennedy Shriver was originally supposed to marry Michael “Mikey” Serafin Garcia in front of 200 guests. But about two months before the wedding, due to the pandemic, they decided to significantly pare the guest list back to their immediate families. The ceremony was held at the Catholic church that Eunice’s family has attended every Sunday for her entire life. The bride walked down the aisle at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, escorted by her father, wearing her grandmother’s Dior wedding dress. “My grandmother wore it at her wedding to my grandfather on May 23, 1953, and 67 years later, I wore it to marry Mikey,” Eunice says. “The dress has aged into a French vanilla ivory, and there are a few holes in it, but I didn’t care.” The bride and her grandmother, whom she is named after, happened to be the same height and have the same size waist, so the dress fit perfectly. “The dress was as delicate as tissue paper,” Eunice says. “So we had to handle it with great care. I was afraid to even sit!” Tap the link in our bio to see more. Photo by @ktmerry

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Pruudil oli seljas 67 aastat vana Diori kleit. "Mu vanaema kandis seda kleiti, abielludes 23. mail 1953 mu vanaisaga," rääkis kadunud vanaemaga ühte kasvu ja mõõtu Eunice Vogue'ile. Ta ei hoolinud sellest, et kangas oli muutunud rabedaks, valge värv oli aastakümnetega omandanud vandlitooni ja kangasse olid tekkinud mõned augukesed. 

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Pruutkleitide butiik Ever After Miami aitas Eunice'il ajalooga kleiti restaureerida ning õmbles selle juurde toon-toonis korseti ja loori. "Kangas oli õrn nagu siidpaber," ütles pruut Vogue'ile. "Pidime sellega väga ettevaatlikud olema. Ma ei julgenud istudagi!" Pulmapeol kandis pruut teist kleiti - ja jalas mugavaid tosse, et saaks muretult tantsu vihtuda. Koroonapandeemia tõttu ei saanud noorpaar kutsuda 200 külalist, vaid tähistas pulmi pereringis. 

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Happy Birthday to the greatest Dad in the world!!! Love you 💜💜💜🎂🎂🎂

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Pruudi isa on Anthony Shriver - üks Eunice Kennedyl ja tema mehe Sargent Shriveri viiest lapsest. Anthony õde Maria Shriver oli aastaid abielus "Terminaatori" tähe Arnold Schwarzeneggeriga.