Foto: Kamille Sampaio / Pexels
19. oktoober 2020, 14:47

KAS SINA LASEKSID EMAL OMA SURROGAATEMA OLLA? | Julge perekond, kus just nii on!

Paljude naiste suurimaks unistuseks on emaks saada. Ent kahjuks on nende seas ka neid, kellel see loomulikul teel ei õnnestu. Instagramis lööb laineid konto, kus jagavad oma vanemateks saamise teekonda Breanna ja Aaron, kuid sedapuhku kannab nende last hoopis Breanna ema.

Paar on viimase nelja aasta jooksul läbi teinud mitmeid eri protseduure – sadu süste, kehaväliselt viljastatud embrüo istutamised, operatsioonid, kaks raseduse kaotust ja üks emakaväline rasedus. Viimane kaksikrasedus katkes aga hilises järgus nõnda, et tekitas naisele emakakahjustuse ja Breanna ise enam last kanda tõenäoliselt ei saa. Nii otsustaski paar surrogaatluse kasuks, ent see oleks maksma läinud pea 200 000 dollarit. Sellist raha paaril polnud ja nii pakkuski Breanna ema Julie ennast välja.

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⁣ NO BUMP BUT SO PUMPED⁣⁣ Love this t-shirt i found on etsy!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Recently we completed a labor and delivery tour at one of our local hospitals! The nurses were sooo nice and super excited for us! It really made us feel good. I was in a puddle of tears (imagine that) with my OBGYN a few months back because with the virus situation, I didn’t think my husband would be able to come to the hospital for the birth. Typically for births only one support person is allowed, but since surrogacy is a unique situation, we both will be able to be in for the delivery! This was such a huge relief.. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The nurses answered all our questions and we discussed a “birth plan”. I put that in quotes and say it lightly because we don’t have any expectations and plan to just go with the flow. With the exception of mom saying, “Epidural please ☝🏻“. Haha and I absolutely agree! Whew!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We talked about who the baby would go to first, and we’ve always discussed she will go straight to me. Talking about how that will look in the delivery room had me and my mamas eyes swelling up a bit. We are sometimes so alike it’s scary. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Fall weather started to creep into the midwest this week! Seeing pumpkins in the stores really starts to let me know November is right around the corner!⁣⁣ #surrogacyjourney #surrogategrandma #ivfjourney #surrogacyislove #mommyinfluencer #instagood #momsofinstagram #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #surrogacyannouncement #pregnancyjourney #ivfpregnancy #surrogatepregnancy

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Kuigi Julie on juba 51aastane, on ta sportlik ja heas vormis. Naine läbis selleks hulga analüüse ja teste kuni lõpuks pandi tema emakasse kasvama Breanna munarakust ja Aaroni seemnerakust viljastatud embrüo.

Selle perekonna imelist teekonda saad jälgida ka sina SIIT!